Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sex and the City 2 -- My Review

By this time, I'm sure a lot of you already had your girls' night out and saw SATC 2. I actually saw it just two days after it premiered in Manila. And what are my thoughts on it, you ask?

Well, just like the first Sex and the City movie, SATC 2 was a whole lot of fun! It was a nice escape after a tiring day at work. In a way, it's like playing 'dress up.' You see Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha in these absolutely gorgeous designer clothes. The setting of the movie (well for most of it, anyway), is in Abu Dhabi. It's all like a dream -- being transported to an exotic, almost surreal world that we, frankly, don't know too much about. And to add to that, the four girls are treated to complete luxury. There's the first class plane ride with suites or cabins (I didn't know those existed!), the individual chauffer and transport, the beautiful and almost ostentatious hotel suite, and so much more! Seeing all these, me and my four girl friends (how suitable hey? ;-), agreed that we didn't at all feel the 2 1/2 hours. It went by so fast! And we sat there at the end wanting more! ;-)

Admittedly though, I think that I liked the clothes in the first SATC installment better. The clothes, accessories, and fashion presented in this sequel were very pretty, don't get me wrong. But I thought there wasn't that one outfit that made me hyperventilate as much as the black Zac Posen dress on Charlotte in the first SATC movie. ;-)

But I still want all the clothes, bags, shoes, and accessories from SATC 2 though. ;-) Yes, I want them all! All! ALL!!!!! ;-) Hahaha! If I could choose between the two, I'll just prefer to own all the clothes from the first SATC though. Just a tad more. That's all. ;-) For this movie, if I were to pick ONE favorite and coveted item, it would have to be these Loboutin shoes on Carrie! Loooove them!

Well, this is, after all, a movie. So, what about the plot/story, conflict, characters, etc? From the first SATC, this sequel followed the natural progression of the lives of the characters. I liked how "real" the conflicts are. I mean, yes, these characters may lead such glamorous lives in New York, but there's that whole universality of the issues that they encounter. Like Carrie, all married women worry about losing the "sparkle" in their marriage. Like Charlotte, all mothers worry about not being adequate and that guilt of not being the best for their chidlren. All women, like Samantha, worry about getting old. And alll powerful women -- like Miranda, have to deal with gender biases in the workplace, etc, etc. In this movie, SATC successfully continued to make the characters endearing to all of us. We see parts and bits of ourselves in at least one of the characters. For this, I can say that the movie was very well-executed. There was a lot of focus on Carrie, being the lead character and all. But I wish that enough focus could have been given to Charlotte and Miranda though. Their issues just kinda seemed to work out on their own from the start of the movie to the end. There were a lot of opportunities for more doses of humor if they followed through with this as well as incorporated the two gay characters more. We see Anthony and Stanford in the beginning and that was that. They had their own issues too that were never resolved.

In my opinion, Charlotte (Kristin Davis) would have to be the star of this movie. She was just soooo funny! Absolutely hilarious! ;-) She was just so endearing. During her 'fragile' moments, you can't help but cry with her too. I especially loved that spiel that she had about being a mother. The whole theatre was quiet and I saw a lot of them in tears. It's all very real. If you're a mother, I imagine you would find comfort in knowing that you're not the only one going through it. Even glamorous and wealthy women who look like they lead perfect lives go through them too. ;-)

I highly recommend this movie to all the women who have NOT seen it yet. The question is, do I think that men -- husbands, boyfriends, straight male friends, could sit through it? To be honest, I don't think so. First off, there are no car chases or guns to amuse them in this movie. ;-) Yes, that's a stereotype. But frankly, I just don't think men will get it. In fact, while at the theatre, there was a guy talking to the screen during one of Carrie's scenes with Mr. Big (the television discussion one). He was going: "What's HER problem??!??" Yes, yes, Carrie was overreacting in that scene. But all women have those moments of "insanity" right? ;-) I just don't think men will get it. For me, the 2 1/2 hours seemed like a breeze. It went by so fast. But for men, I have a feeling that this will feel like an eternity to them. I'd like to be proven wrong though. Just an opinion. But I'd like to test this on my husband. When the movie is out on DVD, I wonder if he can sit through the whole thing and have a 'lightbulb' moment on the differences between men and women. ;-) Hahaha! But hey, you never know...;-)


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