Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cheap, Chic Notebooks (Now say that 5 times fast!)

One thing to know about me is that I'm a big fan of lists. I write grocery lists, "Things to Do" lists, "Places to Go" lists, "Movies to Watch" lists, and probably any other list that you can think of. These lists come in handy when I'm too busy and overwhelmed or when I'm bored or even when I'm feeling a little down. My lists give me that "sense" of order and it reminds me of the many things that I can look forward to as well.

Mind you, when I write these lists, I don't jot them on just some random loose leaf sheet. I get really picky about what I write on. It has to be a notebook -- and a pretty one at that. The sheets have to be lined, white, and crisp. Additionally, the notebook has to be light and easy to lug around.

I find that Fully Booked has the prettiest selection of these kind of notebooks. I love those chic and graphic Jordi Labanda notebooks. They also have a bunch of other ones with a hard cover or even the moleskin type. The cheapest notebook that you'll find at Fully Booked cost around 350 pesos. It's not bad, actually. But I found an even cheaper alternative at the School/Office Supplies section of SM Glorietta. Just go to the third floor, near the Children's section.

I'm talking about these chic King Jim notebooks. You could easily mistake them as a Jordi Labanda. It's obvious where the inspiration came from. But the good thing is, these notebooks are VERY cheap! They have the same lined, white, and crisp pages. The cover is hard and sturdy too. Definitely "luggable." Their notebooks come in three different sizes to fit all purses. They also come in a number of styles and designs. Just have a look at the ones that I bought below. The larger blue one cost 89.75 pesos. The smaller one went for only 62.75 pesos. It comes in an even smaller size. Since my writing is big and lists are often long, I didn't think I would find use for a notebook that small. But I think that one went for less than 40 pesos.

Nice huh? Definitely a great find! I'm sure these are available at National Bookstore and other SM branches. I got mine at SM Glorietta and I was really happy with the selection that they had there. I'm not too sure whether the other branches will have the same varied selection though.

Alright, that's that. Now excuse me as I write my grocery list in my suuuper cool notebook...;-)

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