Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Talking About Secrets...

There's just something truly liberating when you share a secret that you've kept so long with a friend. Or there's just something totally liberating with sharing them. Period.

Or if you're on the other end, there's nothing more intriguing than being told a secret to. You think you know people. But all of us -- at one point or another, really aren't how we make ourselves seem to be at times. Our thoughts are our own and facades are brought out when we relate to certain individuals.

People are complex creatures and I really don't think that anyone can say that they live mundane lives. I believe that beneath the facades, inside our homes, and deep within our hearts, we all carry secrets. These can be silly secrets, shocking ones, juicy, intriguing, or even painful. But the reality of it -- whether good or bad, these secrets can be a burden to carry. Now, cyberworld has thought of creative ways to let the whole world in to your secret. That is, without letting them know who you are. Liberate yourself and at the same time, stay anonymous. It's an interesting concept.

And for all of us who enjoy intrigue and juicy secrets, it's a great way for us to be let in on these secrets. And that's without being accused of gossiping or being labeled as nosy. "We don't even know who they are!!!" ;-)

Here are the sites for your reading pleasure:
Post Secret
Secret Zen
Secret Chest

A lot of these are quite poetic. Some are entertaining and some can be painful to read. But you have to agree about one thing. Going through these sites help us develop empathy. People have reasons for being the way they are. And really, people just aren't how they seem. There's an inner world beneath these facades. We all have our own stories.

PS: The postcards above aren't my secrets, by the way. Just so you know. ;-)

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